Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Coffee or Tea ?

For all of my adult life, I've been a serious tea drinker. It started out being an exclusive breakfast event with a tea that's called Morning Thunder. It soon became an anytime of the day event upon me discovering all the different herb teas that taste good warm or cold. Tea such as mint is a perfect example of a tea that's good hot or cold. I mix this tea with apple juice in the summer to make a refreshing thirst quencher. 
     About ten years ago, I was running late for a real estate event and didn't get a chance to eat a thing. They were serving coffee and donuts at the event. By me not having anything in my system, I gave the coffee a try. That was the start of my coffee drinking. When I can afford it, I like Jamaican and Ethiopian coffee which are two of the best in the world. I tend to drink more coffee in the colder months and tea all year long. I've got love for coffee but tea will always be the best in my book. 

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